
Hi! I’m Tahmid, a coach and writer. I work with individuals and groups with the aim of making people the best version of themselves. I do this through facilitated self-inquiry, guiding people to see their greatest potential.

My professional background has been in public policy. I worked in the UK Government as a civil servant for around five years. I then moved to Brussels, which I now call home. Here I worked on influencing EU sustainability policy, particularly on circular economy. Through my time, I worked at the heart of decision-making, seeing the good, the bad and the ugly.

I’m an avid learner. Aside from investing on intangible personal development, I do have numerous bits of paper that I’ve collected. I hold an MA in European Studies, I’m a qualified transformational coach, an agile project management practitioner, and some other certificates, such as a Level 6 Diploma in Leadership and Management. I speak English, French and Spanish, passive understanding of Sylheti/Bengali, and some light level of Dutch and Italian.

My Books

Become Your Best Self: Insights for Finding Meaning in a Modern World

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Make Diversity Matter to You: Increase Your Confidence In Tackling The Diversity Issues You Face In Your Organisation

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Latest Blogs

  • Re-learning to enjoy the little things
    When we get so caught up in what we need to do, we can lose the joy in the day-to-day activities. The focus often turns to efficiency, rather than pleasure. The relaxing morning coffee turns into a rushed caffiene consumption. The calming walk outside in nature turns into a step-counting exercise. It seems to be happening more often to people around me. As we get squeezed into a sense of productivity, the focus is always how we can get more out of ourselves, squeezing the lemon that is our soul for every ounce.
  • The fool’s search for a sense of belonging
    We all want to belong. Even the most reclusive, Grinch-like people we know deep down desire it. The modern day message is that when we do not belong, we should simply move on. The magical land of belonging is just beyond the hill, over the rainbow. Yet what if searching for such sense of belonging is just but a fool’s dream?
  • Renewing our connection with nature
    I’ve spent so much time in the city recently, I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be in the countryside. In fact, most of my life has been in city dwellings. It’s a little ironic, because my ancestral history has been from a village in rural Sylhet. There’s something about being away from people, noise and organisations. When we spend so much time in the busy rush, we forget that such things aren’t a definitive fact. We did not always exist surrounded by thousands and thousands of people. In fact, for most of human history we have spent time in relatively small settlements.

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