Tag: #london

Are you awake or asleep at the wheel?

Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

Are you living life or is life living you?

When I lived here, I followed the rhythm that I thought people were supposed to do – going to work and chasing more money to pay for a nicer room (due to the exorbitant rent prices), without even noticing the negative impact my obsession on my work life had on happiness or health. I’d come home shattered after spending so much time and energy on things that now I can’t even remember.

Returning to the paradox of London

Before the pandemic I had lived and worked in London for around five years. So I had a mix of excitement, anticipation and trepidation returning.
Time away gives a fresh sense of curiosity. I saw an incredible paradox in London which I had never outwardly expressed before.

I believe people make the reality they want. This is true in life, but never is it more visible than in a place like London.