Creating 2025 as the Year of Delusion

Photo by Mohammad Alizade on Unsplash

I’ve already started hearing stuff around vision boards and resolutions. I’m personally not a super fan of either. Not because neither of them can work, but because a lot of it comes out of societal pressure. And societal pressure rarely is conducive to meaningful change. In fact, I wrote a rather dry articleabout resolutions at the beginning of 2022.

My views have mellowed somewhat. When I wrote that article, I saw the use of a calendar date as rather arbitrary. I still hold that belief, but with the added belief that creating goals are arguably always arbitrary anyway. So if a calendar date is a useful prompt, then why not?

The most important method, whether it be manifestation, vision boards, resolutions or anything else is this: that you actually use it. We all know about resolutions that only last a week, with no genuine intention to actually meet them.

This year, however I was prompted around the idea of doing a theme. This is as part of my Creator’s Journey programme work by John Patrick Morgan. It was by no means obligatory, but it sounded like a nice idea to play with.

I’ve been noticing that I’ve been a little aimless (in the non-judgemental sense) over this year, and redirecting myself towards a vision would help frame myself and my goals.

My first idea was to have it around my insights of “unreasonableness”. I liked the idea of just really tapping into something that was beyond what was expected. But I found that unreasonableness didn’t go far enough – I ended up going into ‘I want to create x+3 vs x+1’ type thinking. It’s still based upon the practicality, and essentially adding some stretch goal too it.

What I want is batshit crazy level of visioning.

So I like the idea of 2025 being my Year of Delusion. Delusion in the sense that I strive for what is just insane. It’s not realistic. Nor is it meant to be. By being clear that my dream is impossible, I can take away the pressure of actually delivering it. In a weird way, that can actually be very freeing. I randomly think of a quote from a video game of all places (FFVII Crisis Core for those wondering). The quote is a throw-away line, but it is the following words: “unattainable dreams are the best kind.”

Delusion feels nice as a theme because it is not only in ambition, but also in emotion.

I can be delusionally happy, no matter the situation. The aim is to enjoy everything, despite the realities of the world.

2024 has been a year of burnout, self-realisations, political and economic hardships. and 2025 might continue in a similar vein. But I do not want the external events of the world to dictate my happiness. I want to be in control of my own destiny.

In March I wrote an article around living our own fantasy. In it, I mused about the idea of just living our happiness, even if it is delusional. I’ve come to the conclusion that I would rather be a delusional, crazy airhead that was happy then a super-grounded, serious miserable person.

So my aim is twofold: aim delusionally high, whilst also being delusionally happy in doing it.

I recently came back to a vision I had created in 2022. I had somewhat put it in the back burner because it was ‘too ambitious’ for now.

My vision is to revolutionise politics and the way people relate to it to be one coming from innate love.

It is an insane idea. After all, politics can’t be changed, right? There are a million reasons to explain why things are the way they are.

Yet I want to change that. Having been in the centre of policymaking, I’ve seen the massive difference coming from heart-felt intention has on the direction of politics, policies and laws.

How do I do this? Well I’m not really sure.

I’d love to write a book around it. That would be fun. It’d also be challenging.

I’d also love to spend more time speaking to people around this idea of coming from love and why it’s so important.

And I’d love to work with people to support them do the inner work for themselves. People can only come from love if they’ve healed their own wounds.

This is my delusional ambition for 2025.

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